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Tobacco Prevention


Other Tobacco Products Appeal to Our Kids

  • Flavored and smokeless tobacco product use is on the rise among youth.
  • Candy flavoring and bright colors make tobacco products extremely appealing to young people.
  • “Kid flavors” include chocolate, cherry, vanilla, apple, grape, and watermelon.

The Youth Appeal

Tobacco Products Merchandised Next to Kid Friendly Items

A 2006 study found that “the presence of cigarette displays at the point-of-sale, even in the absence of cigarette advertising, has adverse effects on students’ perceptions about ease of access to cigarettes and brand recall, both factors that increase the risk of taking up smoking.”

A 2008 study found that cigarette pack displays stimulate impulse purchases among smokers and that those who are trying to avoid smoking commonly experience urges to purchase cigarettes when confronted with these displays, suggesting that cigarette pack displays at the point-of-purchase may undermine intentions to quit among established smokers.

Hookah/ Water Pipe

  • Hookah smoking is most common in the United States among young adults ages 18 to 24; however, some studies suggest significant use among middle and high school students.
  • Youth and young adults perceive hookah use as less dangerous than smoking cigarettes.
  • Waterpipe smoking delivers the addictive drug nicotine, and the smoke from a waterpipe is at least as toxic, or more toxic than cigarette smoke.
  • Smoke shops are readily available across the United States. Smoke shops sell supplies such as Hookahs, Glass Pipes, CBD, Bubblers, Grinders, Kratom and other Drug Paraphernalia

  • In fact, research shows that waterpipe smokers may absorb even more of the harmful components found in cigarette smoke because smoking sessions are longer.
  • A typical one-hour hookah session involves inhaling 100 to 200 times the volume of smoke from a single cigarette.
  • Waterpipe tobacco flavoring, exotic paraphernalia, and social use at hookah bars have increased its popularity with people who don't already smoke cigarettes and younger poeple in the United States.

Hookah, Glass Pipes, Paraphernalia, CBD, Kratom Retailers

Battery Powered Hookah Pens

Public health authorities worry that people are being drawn to products that intentionally avoid the term "e-cigarette." Of particular concern is use among teenagers, many of whom appear to view e-cigarettes and e-hookahs as entirely different products when, for all practical purposes, they are often indistinguishable.